
Showing posts from December, 2016


Merry Christmas, Facebook! Thanks for being away, that I can constantly connect with my Friends and Family... Thank you for giving me many new friends here, though they are far, you made them near. Thank you for those pure-hearted ones you gave me through. They can see me wherever I go... Thank you for bringing the world to me. You made me happy and alive even on my lonely day... Let our kind and brilliant words heal the pains and give peace and harmony to the world... I wish to greet you from my most extraordinary depth this Christmas, be Merry as you are a gift. Helen Sarita


Author Helen Sarita and I have written 10 poems toward our book goal... One step closer to our published book, this is a fun venture..... Lovers Lane A place of love and safety Always happy days and health No sickness or unhappy days As we walk along with it hand in hand Happy In love And enjoying life to the very end. Surrounded by True Love Stopping for sweet kisses And warm embraces As we continue along Lovers Lane Trying to reach the alter. Soon to be married And to be bonded as one. Because you and I will always be in love Daniel Franklin Trees glitter with Christmas decor during Christmas eve... We walked along the cold path seeing smiling faces. Graces with too much love in their hearts like as ours Enjoying the cold breeze of love on this Yuletide Season Our hearts whispered to the beauty that surrounds As we preceded ourselves to the alter  to where true love abounds You and I will express the love in our hearts forevermore In this lovers lane,...



Author Helen Sarita and I have completed Poem# 9... We keep writing to meet our goal..... Our Love Love is the day we met. As our eyes locked on each other Sweet kisses were exchanged quickly. As warm embraces lit up our worlds We knew then it was True Love. To spend each day in each other’s arms. Loving each other Growing old. Sharing our memories As we made a legacy for our strong love Daniel Franklin Strong feelings of love were born in me upon staring at your lovely eyes. I saw your soul danced with my heart's symphony in my many nights. It swifts my heart badly as you kissed me quickly. I was enchanted by the way you express your love so dearly. We claimed to grow old with our kisses and warm embraces. To be with each other in our journey, we consider this a gift Our love brought life to our romantic pens as they move. Our love graces our inks as our emotions being upload. Author Helen Sarita