Like an eagle of deft vision, believing everything can be achievable, maneuvering in the best direction, soaring to the altitude is possible Not minding the tribulations in life that barred along the way, unafraid of a visiting horrible squall, come what may Facing life full of intrepidity, in every knock down, rising back tall facing more challenges, no way of turning back at all Ascertained for better and for worse, never surrender love regardless of dearth , until the feeling itself losses its own breath, Winking at the ghoul's eyes, yet, t he torch was hurled from the splendid skies. Alas! In the darkness, sheening a radiant lights! Smiling with tears san sighs, with vigor and soundness that never exhausts no way to hide flaws from friends, gutsy and courageous to divulge Flying lofty with wisdom to control the flapping of wings, spirited to apprise the world that humility is a virtue to uphold In imperfection, becomes pure, in emptine...