Inspired by a lovely you.

Upon digesting your words
You touched my spirit up close
You are that contagious
You delivered wisdom to my world
You are an inspiration
You stirred my thoughts so good
You've driven me to dance
with the music written
by my own lyrics
You are that great
You fueled my ink to touch
uncertain and confused hearts
You believe that the essence
of being a good writer
is to create a piece that would
make the world ponder
Softly, look at my pen
as it starts swirling over
to its gentle motion
Inspired by a lovely you
I listen to my heart's splendid tune
I need to ring bells to many hearts
Come on my friends, join me in
Molding sound souls
and tranquil beings
There are many words
unspoken from my heart
that I'm now trying to unleash
My tears yelled upon its every beat
It defines my authentic joy within
That is how I understand its depth...
You empowered me
with your special delights
I wanna spread wide my wings
And sing the virgin melodies
of the spirited angels in heaven
I love to bring my spirit so high
Soaring along with the blue skies
To see more the beauty
of the world beneath
As they gazed upon me
I let them feel the value
of my tender breath
My pen waltzed with me gracefully
Telling true stories of joy and misery
Wishing to put meaning
and touch many lives
Dreams to be a beautiful steward
of love, faith, and hope
Painting a canvas with such
a paradise-like scenery
with a beautiful rainbow
to where me and you
dance through the rain
and play with the sunshine
Dreaming to the utmost
to change this world
There is just a kind of a
a simple tip to begin with.
Yes, only just a simple one.
Listen. I will whisper to your ears
Look at the person behind you
Give Love, yes only just Love
You can see the hopeful tomorrow
And slowly let our faith grow
Be an agent of peace and love
Encourage your own being
Through the kind thoughts
of our humble and powerful pen
One day the world will embrace
us and shout.Amen!!

Helen Sarita
(c) 10/16/2018


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