We are so blessed to be chosen as God's children
No matter what happens we will never be forsaken
He loves us without condition we need to be grateful
Only believe in God's unseen presence and be faithful
We need to seek His kingdom in times we feel so empty
God is our completion, He will equip us, don't be weary
God's power is the Mightiest, let us renounce earthly things
Surprises from heaven, we'll be poured with His blessings
Oh God, we want to stay under Your shadow, let's be guided
You are our refuge, you are the answer to what we all need
Hug our confused souls, we need You, Oh God, be our light
That we can see brightly, cleanse and edify our cloudy sight
Bless us with your Love, and unfurl our doubtful hearts
Get rid of our fears and lead us to trust your gracious Art
You have a distinct design in our lives, which you created
We need to accept it, trusting You fully, in our every step