Dig Dig Dig to the pit To find Gold within it What have you found Is there a grace that abounds? You will be only bewildered, If that Gold, you couldn't search It will only give you disappointment You're not filled in your uncontentment Why not search for the truest gold? in the spirit of God, we need to be bold He blesses us from the pit to the zenith He furnishes us with what we believeth He is the Gold that liveth in us forever Saving our souls that He so much care Let's continue to plant seeds and water Go for gold and experience His wonder
My gracious pen... As my pen sways like a whirling dervish Dances with my heart and spirit that cherish It gives breath to my candid plume color Rejuvenates my core in a dainty glamor. Bestrewing love to my modest thought Relishing peace and love throughout My pen is much mightier than a sword. It chooses words that glitter like gold. It has a ton of magical and wondrous gleams. With so much tenderness, it gently glistens. With the sobriety of my plume, my pen is merry As it breathes kindness, it's getting lovely My pen softens the enemy's insensitive heart It mellows agonies, torments, and wrath It fills compassion with disdained emotions. Till it melts from hatred to love sensation My pen is calm as it recedes selfishness It can appease tempers and distresses The blades of its sword spark and glint I wish its enduring luster will last till then When its sharpness would be blunted. Feebleness comes from its master's head. But with my passion that is so intense In peace a...
How does a lady look while she blows her cigarette smoke? Does she look class or rude? Some have many interpretations, but whatever are these, for me, the best thing is to respect Some smoke to release tense and some were just influenced by their friends. But this isn't the main thing. I also have the calling... I am here to save you from harm, not to ruin Have ears to hear what am sayin' I am just a good friend showing you my kindness and gentle care. One day somehow, you'll regret why you didn't listen. I just want to save you from the harm of nicotine... As blaming yourself will never be in the beginning yet always be at the end ..and I don't want this to happen Just as I don't want to blame myself, I didn't find a time to change you in my own little heartfelt way to say... Please stop smoking, my friend...