Success entails a failure not just once but many times
Defeats saddened us but it's God's perfect design
Don't be downtrodden when things don't go our way
Failure strengthens us and solidifies our journey
People who succeed in life undergo many letdowns
We've to embrace impediments and never be drown
This is God's will for our lives we need to survive
As you are there our Lord always leads us to rise
When I have experienced life's failure I feel thrilled
What are your ways to answer me, it is Your field
I only need to pray earnestly and ask your help
I'll just deal with it calmly as in Your might I believe
Accepting our failures with full of trusting Him
It is only a game of life, it is not all about winning
Sometimes we need to fail as from there we learn
We've to spare room for pain as failure is a blessing