Think about what lack in us to open our hearts
What we need to renounce to embellish life's art
Ponder if we deserve our heavenly father's love
Reckon deeply what we need to surrender to God
If we are tested of our love for Him in many ways
That sometimes so hard that lead our faith shakes
Hold your trust in Him, don't doubt His piousness
And you will be sanctified in harmony and peace
Look at yourself, ponder what's needed to enhance
There's a wee part in your heart you need to glance
Have a place in your heart to step for improvement
We know that within us, what are our resentments
There is nothing impossible if we ask for guidance
He'll not turn His back, in the flow, our spirits dance
We'll have an unexplainable joy coming from nowhere
Just be inclined to accept Him and sincerely surrender