Breaking barriers is easy to say yet quite hard to do.
Shatter the wall that besieges cultures and races too
Denominations, life's principles, and ideologies also
We have to embrace adjustment as we go to and fro

Let's employ divine power to demolish strongholds 
Unity, peace, and harmony, we sought for the world
We take  care and love, and our innate heart engross
To which our God fervent and benevolent purpose.

Better attain tranquility, as on this earth, we only pass
We can use the learnable experiences that we amassed
In our day-to-day life encounters, we can become better
We can break the wall that departs us from each other

How do we break barriers to people who wounded us?
A subject to tackle to get a deeper a meaning of love
Never we can if we are egoistic and self-centered one
If we claim we are better and we accomplished grand

How do we get equilibrium from the tempting scourge? 
How to deal kindly with people with tormenting force?
How could we keep our sweetness and kind smiles? 
Truly hard! Can we still be humble behind our sighs?

These are impossible if we are not eager to disclose 
From the veil that conceals the shadow of our flaws
We can never be an archetype of bridging the discord 
We have to smash our wicked and self-centered mood. 
