Dauntless wings...
I ponder the astral stillness as I hover over the silent verse
Getting away from the course, attempting to downcast
The deafening crescendo empowered me to the blast
The hushing gush in the space with symphonic alto
Gives me intrepidity to proceed with this voyage to
Strong-willed to reach out border, enthusiastically
Let's together traverse the high altitudes, valiantly
As we come nearly to reaching the awaiting horizon
We battled and conquered some dubious thoughts on
Wisdom and humility won't allow us to fall in a blow
We learned from defeat; we rose victorious and grow
My dauntless wings will never be weakened by any
Now I face no hindrance to the task missioned to me
My armament is resilience; whatever comes my way
I'll continue my arduous journey joyfully here in FPB