The cozy home we love to stay and grow
Was once a hangout zone for poets so few
I'm pleased to read their souls valiantly sail
Few friends with us here loved its mission zeal
We found a home we doubtless care and love
We reached a huge troop of lasses and lads
With armament of brains and pens that sink
We learned from mentor dear, Maestro Ben
The crux of pleasing poetry must entwine
Like cascade music which scrawled in minds
Oh God! I'm halfway through this brainiac write
Bit spooked I'm doing this challenge wrong or right
I hope my pen will bleed from where I start
Dear lovely angels, help concoct my heart
I need first aid like crazy, breaths now gasp
It's hard to seize, my brain may seem to lapse
If ends in verb or noun, I need to scroll
My time was hooked to look like pretty fool

This group was made desiring to enrich
The talents we conferred will bridge us peace!
