One of our best!!

Oneness of our Pens...

Collaboration Deborah Brooks Langford and Helen Sarita

Helen: I miss writing to you.
You cast my sighs out of the blue.
You are an angel far away so
Your aroma comes wherever I go.

Deb: I try to look beyond the time, but I can’t forget.
The sweetness of your poetry
Oh yes, how I miss you so
Looking at my restless mind
Wishing my empty veil, I vow…

Helen: Your words bring magic to my soul.
You let my spirit to the wilderness positively soar.
I consider myself the luckiest on earth.
Having you sharing with me your breath.

Deb: Waltzing bellows on the edge of the water
Circling with the wielded word
Flowing through the Lillie’s so bright
Walking forward in willows deep
Is your friendship I need…

Helen: You’re a beautiful instrument sent from heaven above.
You’re a symbol of such pure love.
If our brethren behave the way you do
This world is such a splendid place to dwell through.

Deb: Singing songs of yonder mist.
Through a whispered emerald pasture
Cries from loneliness bring
On a broken wing
You fix my heart on the river's edge…

Helen: The rhythm of love to our hearts engraved
Its symphony carried by a lovely breeze
Travels through the air to touch the horizon
You are a mystical creature.
You are a true angel. You are my inspiration…

Deb: Out timeless dreams are compelling.
There are no bitter regrets.
Once molted into ivory clay.
I am never alone when I read.
Your rambling muse…

Helen: You’ve planted seeds of love in my heart.
In your heart, I delved into searching for the charisma you have endowed.
I found pearls and diamonds.
Sparkling and shining your aura
You are such a valuable treasure.

Deb: Unmask our veils of shadows
Marked by the shimmering moon
The blackness flows into the blue.
To form the oneness of our pens…

Helen: As I crawled onto the meadows of paradise
Searching perfect words to speak my heart
I gleaned to blend the wonders of yours.
You have made me of who I am
These tears of mine. Speaks. Unleashing my heart
You are a goddess. A mirror of my soul…

Deb: Wondering what the future will bring
Where the sugar maple trees blow
As she takes to the stage once again
As long as my dear sweet friend
Always our pens sing with oneness…

All rights reserved by both Authors.
Deborah Brooks Langford &
Helen Sarita
(c) 2/21/18


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